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2 Results for search "Dieting To Gain Or Maintain Weight".

Wellness Library Results

Eating well doesn't have to take a lot of time. Some of the simplest meals are delicious and loaded with nutrients. Try the following tips for tasty, nutritious menus that you can throw together in 15 minutes or less. Breakfast Drink your breakfast Start your day with a smoothie: Just spoon a cup of low-fat yogurt, some frozen berries, fruit juice, and banana in a blender. Then add a quarter cup o...

These days, everywhere you go, including supermarkets and restaurants, you see an increasing number of low-carbohydrate products. People with diabetes are advised to keep their carb count low to stay healthy. But weight-loss diets that limit carbohydrates have become so popular that now roughly one out of every five Americans counts carbs, regardless of whether they're diabetic. How did carbohydra...