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210 Resultados de su búsqueda "Women's Problems: Misc.".

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The journey from conception through pregnancy to childbirth can be so full of twists, turns, and obstacles that it's no surprise many couples have trouble reaching their final destination -- parenthood. According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, about 6 million American couples -- roughly 10 percent -- struggle with infertility at any given time. Fortunately, many "infertile" coup...

As Nancy Robison belatedly discovered, colon cancer can strike women, too. So entrenched was her idea that only men tend to get colon cancer, that despite her training as a licensed practical nurse, Robison, 52, of Franklin, Pennsylvania, dismissed the possibility of colorectal cancer when she began experiencing rectal bleeding and other symptoms, which she attributed to hemorrhoids. Six months ...

If you've attended a large family reunion lately, it may come as no surprise that women tend to outlive men. In the United States, the life expectancy of men is about five years less than women, according to the American Journal of Public Health. For African American men, it's still worse: They tend to live about six years less than white men. Nearly all of the biggest killers in America -- inclu...

When you're pregnant you expect to see certain changes in your body -- say, an expanding waist or bustline. One thing you may not expect to see is a change in your complexion. But for about 70 percent of pregnant women, dark patches on the face go hand in hand with pregnancy. Sometimes called "the mask of pregnancy," this condition is known to dermatologists as chloasma, and it's more likely to ha...

Every new child is full of surprises. You expect him to look and act like other members of the family, but you never know exactly how his genes will fall together. He could have mom's eyes and dad's hair, but it could just as easily be the other way around. Unfortunately, his genes could also carry the blueprint for a serious disease. If you're pregnant or thinking about starting a family, geneti...

Jet lag in London, mosquito bites in Madrid, Montezuma's revenge in Acapulco, an emergency medical bill in Nepal -- the perils are enough to scare would-be travelers into tossing away those glossy brochures. But a little knowledge and planning can stave off many a trip's unhealthy side effects. To test your travel smarts, take our quiz. 1. You probably already know that the direction you fly c...

What's the best way to keep your skin soft, smooth, and supple? By staying out of the sun, of course. But that's not all there is to it. Take our quiz and find out what it takes to save your face. 1. The skin on your face ages faster than the rest of you because: a. It's exposed to the sun more often b. You use it to communicate your feelings c. It's exposed to cigarette smoke more ofte...

What natural alternatives to hormone replacement therapy are there? Women who decide not to supplement their declining levels of estrogen with prescription hormones may want to choose from a variety of "natural" remedies that may help relieve their menopausal symptoms. Black cohosh root may bring some relief from hot flashes, with potentially fewer side effects than estrogen. Creams made from wild...

What is a multiple marker test? Your pregnancy produces certain substances -- or markers -- in your blood that contain information about your baby. A multiple marker test (also called a triple screen, quad screen, or maternal serum screening), is a blood test that measures three or four of these substances to find out whether your baby may be at risk for certain birth defects. The markers measur...

In the early years of the epidemic in the United States, AIDS seemed exclusively like a gay men's disease. In the early 1980s, when the disease first appeared, intravenous drug users and men who had sex with men were the primary sufferers. During that time, as many as 3,000 people a week became infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Most who were getting sick and dying were gay men; they w...