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986 Results for search "Food &, Nutrition: Misc.".

Health News Results - 986

Love your chicken parm but not the crazy calorie overload you get at a restaurant? Try this lighter version that's easy to make at home.

Most of the unwanted calories in chicken parmesan come from heavy breading plus the typical big side of pasta. Both bring down the nutrition profile since the breading is made from white-flour breadcrumbs and the side is usually white pasta. So skip ...

Fresh foods can be expensive, especially if you're trying to go organic. But if you want to eat healthier by skipping processed, packaged foods, it is possible to keep costs under control and still get in the daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service found that you can have your 2 cups of fruit and 2-1/2 cups o...

It's time to go beyond spinach and kale. To really power up your meals with greens, you want to explore the taste and texture of watercress and dandelions. And the following recipes will get from the fridge to your table in minutes.

Watercress is part of the cruciferous family to which kale and broccoli belong. It's got a spicy taste, so if you're a fan of arugula, you'll love watercr...

Are you a chicken finger fanatic, but worried about what might be lurking in the take-out versions? The solution is simple: Do it yourself.

Making chicken fingers at home is a snap. Between oven baking and ingredient swaps to cut back on the fat and calories, this version is the perfect way to lighten up a fast-food favorite.

If your budget allows, raw chicken tenders are id...

Don't let the names of exotic grains like millet keep you from trying them. They're as easy to make as standard white rice yet far more nutritious.

Millet is the seed of a grass that grows in Africa. It has a fluffy, dry texture and tastes similar to corn. Millet has a wide variety of nutrients, including many minerals, protein and fiber.

It cooks in under 30 minutes and can...

You've worked hard to curb mindless eating by not watching TV with a bag of chips in your lap, and you log everything you do eat in your smartphone app. But you could still be taking in more calories than you realize.

The fact is that throughout each day, you're bombarded by sneaky sources of extra calories that never get recorded in that journal of yours. And the result could sabota...

Want to add pizzazz to your morning bowl of oats? Here's how to spice things up and boost the nutrition.

Oats are rich in important minerals like manganese, which plays a role in controlling blood sugar. They also happen to be very high in fiber, important for gut and heart health. Nuts and seeds are great toppings for oats that you might be enjoying already. But adding fruit and spi...

Whether you're tailgating, cooking for a potluck or bringing in a treat for co-workers, keep safety in mind to avoid food-borne illnesses.

Safe handling is always important, but it's an even bigger priority when you're away from your kitchen, without the benefit of your fridge and oven to control food temperatures. The key is to plan ahead to keep food safe until eaten. The golden ru...

There's a healthy new twist in the farm-to-table movement: Getting farm-fresh food to school lunchrooms and even having students grow their own crops as part of learning.

Colorado was a pioneer in passing the "Farm-to-School Healthy Kids Act" in 2010. The move was designed to increase the use of local farm and ranch products in school food service programs to both improve childhood nu...

Looking for a simple yet delicious way to enjoy whole grains? Start with nutritious, easy-to-cook barley, a great swap for processed grains like white rice.

When shopping, choose hulled barley instead of pearl. Hulled barley retains more of the outer bran layer with its fiber and nutrients. Pearl parley has had most of the bran layer "polished" off.

Hearty barley is a staple...

Kids have long heard the refrain: Eat your vegetables to grow up big and strong. But a healthy diet may make you happier, too, according to Australian researchers.

That was the effect eating healthier had in a small study of young adults with poor diets and moderate-to-high symptoms of depression. Those who embraced healthier food choices reported less anxiety and much better moods w...

How do you make healthy food more popular? Start by giving it a yummy-sounding name, researchers say.

People are much more likely to choose good-for-you foods like broccoli or carrots if labeled with names that emphasize taste over nutritional value, according to Alia Crum, an assistant professor of psychology at Stanford University, and her colleagues.

In previous research...

You might think of a slow cooker as your grandma's favorite timesaver, but this countertop device has many modern benefits -- from making healthier meals and cutting calories to saving you time at the stove.

Because almost all you need to do is cut, measure and add ingredients, you can set a slow cooker in the morning and have a meal ready when everyone rushes in at dinnertime. That'...

Scientists are taking the wrappings off an age-old malady.

Clogged arteries are a heart problem that's dogged humanity for millennia, finds a new imaging study of mummies.

Mummified arterial tissue shows evidence of cholesterol plaque buildup in people who lived anywhere from 2000 BC to 1000 AD, said lead researcher Dr. Mohammad Madjid.

These weren't just bigwigs ...

If you've been relegating parsnips to the stock pot (their sweetness enhances both chicken and vegetable broth) or have been skipping over them altogether, you're missing out on a hearty side-dish choice for fall evenings and winter holidays alike.

Think of parsnips as a healthy comfort food, because cooking them brings out their naturally creamy texture but without all the calories o...

Cooking food has a fundamental impact on what bacteria live in your gut, a new study finds.

"Our lab and others have studied how different kinds of diet -- such as vegetarian versus meat-based diets -- impact the microbiome [gut bacteria]," said senior study author Peter Turnbaugh, an associate professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of California, San Francisco.

Pickled foods are still on trend and so are do-it-yourself recipes since homemade fermented foods taste much better than store-bought versions.

Making your own fermented foods is easier than you think and the ideal way to introduce good gut bacteria into your microbiome. The key is prepping the veggies correctly and then just letting them rest on the countertop to ferment and pick up ...

A fiber-rich diet appears to help people with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes in multiple ways, lowering their blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, a new study suggests.

High blood pressure (hypertension) and diabetes raise the risk for heart disease, and diet may help keep it at bay, researchers say.

"This study helps us determine three important thi...

When you hear the word diet, you might think only of weight loss. But a lifestyle diet can bring even greater benefits.

One option that belongs on your radar is the MIND diet created by researchers at Rush University in Chicago.

MIND stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. It's a hybrid of those two heart-healthy diets, both of which reduce t...

Love those artichoke appetizers you get at restaurants but stop in your tracks when you see them on display at the store? Yes, artichokes look intimidating, but once you know the secret of artichoke prep, you'll look for opportunities to prepare them at home.

Artichokes, a plant in the thistle family, are one of the healthiest foods around, rich in fiber and great for gut health and i...

In a finding that suggests organic is best, a new study indicates that chickens raised without antibiotics may have fewer types of antibiotic-resistant salmonella than animals raised at factory farms.

Salmonella is a common infection among poultry, so some large farms feed their chickens antibiotics to prevent the birds from getting sick, and to help them gain weight faster. But this...

Love the taste of hot wings, but looking for something healthier? If you're a fan of this game day favorite, you'll go wild over Buffalo cauliflower.

Making the simple swap from chicken wings to cauliflower gets more veggies into your diet and adds a world of nutrition. Cauliflower is a superfood rich in a long list of nutrients from vitamin C to fiber. And because of its mild ...

Thanks to a federal ban on trans fats -- commonly listed on labels as partially hydrogenated oils -- margarine makers have taken steps to remove them from their ingredients. Does this mean margarine is once again a better choice than butter?

Not necessarily.

That's in part because some studies have given the saturated fat in butter a reprieve. No, you shouldn't be drowning ...

There's a lurking dread in the back of the minds of many people who love steak, burgers and bacon -- the fear that what they enjoy eating might not be doing their health any favors.

But a major new review argues that folks can set those fears aside.

Cutting back on consumption of red meat or processed meat will not significantly reduce a person's risk of heart disease or can...

Millions of Americans pop a fish oil supplement each day, hoping to bolster their heart health. Now, research suggests they may be on the right track.

The most up-to-date review of data from 13 prior studies found daily omega-3 fish oil supplement use tied to a significant lowering of risk for heart attack, according to a team led by Dr. JoAnn Manson. She is a professor of epidemiolog...

Almost 1 in 10 U.S. seniors doesn't have enough food to eat, a new study shows.

And for those under 65 who qualify for Medicare because they're disabled, 4 of 10 may be going hungry, the researchers added.

"People are always talking about Medicare and how to tweak it and improve access to care, but these kinds of social problems [hunger] can be just as much of an issue," sa...

There's no doubt that eating a lot of sugar isn't good for your health. What's more, sugar can trigger a chemical reaction that has you craving more and more. Just think about the last time you ate a cookie -- were you able to stop at one? Or three? Or 10?

But Harvard researcher David Ludwig says when it comes to carbs, Americans eat more refined grains and potatoes than sugar, and th...

With pumpkin spice lattes already hitting coffee shops, it's never too soon to rethink favorite seasonal sips and cut calories without sacrificing flavor.

Here are four to try from now until the holidays really begin! Each recipe makes two drinks.

Pear Bellini: Pears make the perfect puree to add to champagne, Prosecco or sparking rose. Peel and core a ripe pear. Cut ...

Love the taste of wild rice, but aren't sure how to make it yourself? It's easier than you think once you know how to prep and cook it the correct way.

Wild rice is not actually rice, but rather the seed of an aquatic grass. It's a Native American food that has a delicious, chewy texture. Like other seeds and grains, it's high in mineral content -- zinc and manganese, in particular. S...

By almost any measure, meat alternatives are rapidly gaining in popularity.

The explosion of innovation in plant-based meat alternatives is evident along grocery store aisles and on restaurant menus - and the products aren't only for vegetarians and vegans. Nielsen data show 98% of people who buy meat alternatives also buy meat.

But whether people are choosing so-calle...

A new study warns that even your soothing cup of tea might serve up some invisible health hazards.

Some tea companies are replacing traditional paper teabags with plastic ones, but the new bags may be adding billions of tiny bits of plastic to your beverage, a team from Canada reports.

"We show that steeping a single plastic teabag at brewing temperature [205 degrees ...

Want to warm up as the temperature cools down and get in more nutrients, too? Roasted vegetables are a delicious way to do both.

Starchier root veggies, like carrots, parsnips and potatoes, lend themselves to roasting since their natural sugars intensify as they cook. Carrots have beta carotene for skin health. The parsnips are high in vitamin C, great for immune health. And rather th...

Decades into the obesity epidemic, Americans are still eating far too much sugar, starch and saturated fat, a new report claims.

Since 1999, Americans have cut down a bit on "low-quality" carbs, like heavily processed grains and snack foods with added sugar. But that amounts to only a 3% drop overall, the researchers found.

And Americans have made little headway in boost...

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a risk factor for stroke, heart disease and other dangerous conditions, but it offers no early warning signs. That's why it's so important to have your pressure checked regularly.

You can take preventive steps to keep it in line by getting regular exercise and by adding foods that support a healthy blood pressure to your diet.

If you'...

It's hard to beat the comfort quotient of a hot, bubbling dish of macaroni and cheese, but the fat and calorie overload can be a health disaster. Here's how to make a lighter version with all the taste intact.

Start by choosing a whole grain pasta such as spelt or a gluten-free quinoa pasta. These typically have double the fiber of processed white pasta, plus iron and important B vita...

This year, when the gang comes over to watch football, score big with these healthy treats.

Rich and creamy onion dip with chips is a favorite and so easy to make by mixing sour cream into a flavor packet. But most dip mixes are loaded with MSG, sodium and artificial flavors, plus they have zero nutrition. Instead, make your own in a snap. You'll keep in the creaminess and keep out t...

Eating patterns similar to the Mediterranean diet and the blood pressure-lowering DASH may help older women with Type 2 diabetes ward off heart attacks, strokes and related problems, new research suggests.

Diabetes afflicts one-quarter of Americans 65 and older. An estimated 68% of these patients will die of heart disease, and 16% will die of stroke.

The new study ...

When it comes to convincing your kids that vegetables taste good, variety might be the key to success.

New research suggests that offering children more than one type of vegetable may improve the chances that they'll eat a greater amount.

The study included 32 families with children aged 4 to 6 who didn't eat many vegetables. The children were divided into three groups: no c...

When you get the urge for a snack, you might not think that a slice of turkey can have the same lip-smacking effect as a handful of chips. But scientists have known for some time that protein is the most efficient nutrient for not only quickly satisfying hunger, but also for keeping you feeling satisfied longer than other foods.

Part of the explanation is the longer time it takes to ...

Four of America's biggest health organizations are banding together to urge parents to better monitor the drinks their young kids sip each day.

The take-home message from the new "Healthy Drinks, Healthy Kids" guidelines: Cut down on sugary sodas, juices and the like, and favor breast milk or cow's milk for youngsters instead of trendy plant-based milks.

"As a pediatrician,...

Butternut squash, Brussels sprouts and apples are all amazing fall superfoods and the perfect reason to get cooking.

Cheap and versatile, butternut squash is loaded with fiber and vitamin A. For an easy butternut squash mash, cut the squash in half, discard the seeds and roast for about 1 hour at 350 degrees. Scoop out the flesh and mash with olive oil, chopped fresh rosemary, grated ...

There's no shortage of reasons to get your omega-3s, which are abundant in fish and their oils.

But high consumption of fish and their oils has created a shortage around the world. In addition, fish can be costly, and there are also concerns about toxins, like mercury, which affect many fatty fish to some degree. Since omega-3 fatty acids play a role in vision, brain health, reproduct...

Most people expect some risk in activities like mountain biking or rollerblading, but few would expect to end up in the emergency room with a broken thigh bone from doing a squat.

That's exactly what happened to Rachael Jones, 39, who was just trying to stay in shape, despite having a lifelong genetic illness.

The broken femur wasn't her first broken bone -- and it may not...

What is the perfect amount of fats and carbohydrates for a healthy diet? Scientists from McMaster University in Canada analyzed food diaries from more than 135,000 people in 18 countries around the world to find out.

The answer supports the old adage that moderation is good for your heart and a longer life, specifically that eating moderate amounts of carbs and fats rather than very ...

Move over button mushrooms. Exotic varieties are becoming more and more popular, and are available at farmers markets and even local grocery stores.

In ancient healing traditions, mushrooms have always been one of the top medicinal foods, and now science is discovering why. Mushrooms contain potent antibacterial and antifungal compounds that are being studied for their benefits for li...

It's a pricy mainstay on restaurant menus, but avocado toast is an easy and healthy breakfast or lunch that you can make at home.

Avocados are full of healthy fats and vitamins C, E and B6. They're fiber all-stars, too, with 10 grams per cup. Best known as the base for guacamole, because of its creaminess, avocado is now being turned into desserts like puddings and ice cream. Put mash...

Make the most of your farmers market bounty with fast salads that highlight end-of-summer's best produce, like a filling Cobb salad with tomatoes, corn, and green and red lettuces.

Some simple prep tips make it an easy lunch or dinner, and smart swaps help streamline the traditional version's calorie count.

Start by prepping your greens the right way. Carefully wash the lett...

To the many ways in which coffee seems to confer unexpected health benefits, add a lowered risk of painful gallstones.

After tracking nearly 105,000 Danes for an average of eight years, researchers found that those who downed more than six cups per day of the world's most popular beverage saw their gallstone risk drop by 23%.

"High coffee intake is associated with a lowe...

When made at home, smoothies can be delicious and nutritious (store-bought versions often contain lots of sugar and an abundance of calories). But when it comes to feeling satisfied, a rich, thick soup has them beat.

There's science behind the diet tip to eat filling soup when the soup is a thick, blended puree. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that you'll fe...

Incorporating pumpkin pulp or seeds into a healthy diet may help reduce blood pressure levels, according to a new study using rats.

The research, presented Thursday at the American Heart Association's Hypertension 2019 Scientific Sessions in New Orleans, compared the effect of a control diet to one that contained pumpkin pulp or seeds on the rats' blood pressure and heart muscle. The...